Monday Moanin'

on 12/4/11 8:24 pm
What? It's 7:20 and I'm starting roll call? You guys are REALLY making me jump back in! (Which I need to do, btw).

I have my last work trip for the year - and for this job - this week, so I just have a moment then have to get my paperwork ready.

Truly I wish I could be at home. I only stepped in to this trip because someone else had to cancel. value in whining.

We had a great Sunday - Mike was home all day. Church, then I put on some chicken for dinner, took a nap, watched old TV shows, and then a Christmas devotional that was really beautiful. Wish all days could be that contented!

OK, off and running....take care everyone, whatever your day holds!
on 12/4/11 8:58 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Morning Lynn - glad to see you posting again. I'm at work - fought the foggy weather on the way in but it wasn't too awful. Quiet right now - boss is out until Thursday so that might give me a chance to catch up on some things.

Busted my butt around the house yesterday - I think we're about 99% to where I want it to be to show an interested party, hopefully this weekend. It would be wonderful if it worked out because they wouldn't want the house until May or June, which would fit into our plans perfectly, so we're keeping our fingers crossed.

Not much going on today - have a stack of filing haunting me, so I really need to work on that this morning - if I get through that I might start decorating the office this afternoon - it's so funny because when I first came here and started decorating they all made fun of it - now if I don't have it up by the 2nd week of December everybody wants to know where the decorations are! I've added yet another Hallmark singing snowman to my collection (I think I'm up to 12 singing things now) - and of course I'll have to put out the tacky little white optic fiber tree - it will look festive.

OK everyone, have a great day....Kathy

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 12/4/11 9:25 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 Good morning Lynn and all of PA - Lynn, sorry that I didn't get a chance to really say hi on Saturday.  I had a wedding in the evening that I had to get ready for - headed off to the hair and make-up salon to get all prettied up! :)

And, speaking of Saturday night, I wore a gorgeous brown tank dress that I just love.  When I put it on, I looked at the straps and thought about which bra to wear with it - I then looked at Larry and said, what about going braless?  He said it looks beautiful and if I was comfortable, go for it!  It was AWESOME!!!!!  since my reconstructive surgery, unless I was in the house or running out with a HUGE sweatshirt on, I still wear a bra even though I don't HAVE to.  I was so comfortable in my dress that night and to know that I was able to go and not worry about straps, or the bra sticking out of the was AMAZING!!!!  I felt great being able to do that - AND I danced a lot!  Thank goodness for plastic surgeons! :)  LOL

Today I am hopeful for a good day = I had a pretty blech Sunday, depression was there - not as awful as it has been, but it was still a challenging day.  So far so good today.  I have to teach today and then both Molly and I have our therapist appointments this afternoon.  Tonight I probably should get to the market as we have no food in the house...whatever! :)

Oh, and one final thing, in case you missed it on facebook: JOSH PASSED HIS DRIVERS LICENCE TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I don't HAVE to do all the schlepping now!  He took the girls to Hebrew School yesterday and picked them up.  It was AWESOME!!!!!!  (I know the worry and and the cost will definitely rise, but I am so proud of him!)

Have a nice Monday! :)
Lisa H.
on 12/4/11 9:57 pm - Whitehall, PA
 You (and everyone) looked stunning in the pics I have seen!!  Loved the matching shawl and shoes!!

As far as going braless, that would be a dangerous endeavor for me to attempt... LMAO!

Congrats to Josh!! Now he can help ME out, too!!! hee hee! 

My tracker


Lisa H.
on 12/4/11 9:40 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Took down my post... guess mine took longer to type up than yours, Lynn... so I'll just add to yours..

UGH, really... 

Last night, I decided not to go to Yoga and my new-old friend could not get together.  It turns out that it's a good thing.  Came home to find Siehara had been in my room (AGAIN).  I'll put it on a separate post because I don't want to kill roll call. 

Anyway, working Aetna today...  on my lunch break, I am going to find someone to alter my dress for Neil's party. 

After work, Siehara and I are going to spend time together.  We are going to grab dinner and then go up to the Pottsville area.  One of Tanya (and now my) friend.. has an Xbox 360 on layaway that she is not going to be picking up because she found a cheaper one.  She was going to cancel it but when I put out there that I was looking for one, she told me she would leave it on layaway so we can have it.  Siehara is going to use some of her Bat Mitzvah money to buy it for herself.   I did tell her that under no cir****tances will we be opening the box until further notice---due to what happened yesterday.  BUT, time is an issue for the layaway, so we are going to pick it up.  

I definitely know that we need to spend some good girl time together and do some serious talking.  I know that talking in the car is often easier than talking "face to face", so I am going to try to get her to voice some of her concerns while we are driving up there. 

Hope everyone has a good day.  I'm going to try to make the best of mine.  

My tracker


Patricia R.
on 12/4/11 10:44 pm - Perry, MI
 Morning Lynn and PA,
I am really struggling with depression right now, so I don't have much to say.  I hope to get to my AA meeting at noon.  Then, I have an iron infusion at 2:30.  


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Laureen S.
on 12/4/11 11:56 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

Good Morning Lynn, PA Folks,

It was wonderful seeing you on Saturday, as it was seeing everyone else who showed up at Barix for support, was a good group and as always I left with a sense of renewed hope that this journey of ours, which can be full of fits and starts, is the right one for me.

Lots going on in my life, too much to share here, just suffice it to say that I am watching from the sidelines as my youngest daughter is engaging in a relationship that is way too reminiscent of one I was in (2nd marriage) and I am sad that my beautiful, intelligent and very wonderful daughter thinks so little of herself, however, I have let her know that I support her right to be and do what she has to in order to live the life she chooses, even as she is distancing herself from me and her sister right now, she asked for my honest feelings on things and I told her what I felt and had to set limitations on what treatment I am willing to accept from her, because having lived what she is now living, I know that when we do things that we inside ourselves know are not in keeping with our true selves, we isolate from those who we "feel" are judging us, when in fact it is us who are not comfortable with how we are behaving.  I only hope that she does not spend 7 years of her life trying to make something work that, quite frankly, I don't see happening.

Otherwise, life is good, got most of my Christmas shopping done, mostly kids and the older ones get money, because they like to shop for themselves.  Tony and I had a lovely day yesterday, we watched the Jets/Redskins game and I almost lost hope, even as I usually am the one to say that they are a 4th quarter team, in the end the pulled it off and then Tony and I went to Longhorn for steak dinners, of which I have half of mine for lunch today.

I went to the gym for the first time (other than the 1x in Florida over TG holiday) and spent time stretching, then did 2.1 miles on the elliptical, am starting slowly as I don't want to get sidelined by doing too much too soon, but I can say this, it felt wonderful to be there!  Who said that?  lol

Anyway, for those of you facing season affective disorder or any other type of challenge, I wish you peace and strength to get through the other side.

Hugs, Laureen


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 12/5/11 12:01 am - Lancaster, PA
Hi all. Pretty rough weekend over all. We were supposed to go to Beth M wedding on Saturday. Ended up not going last minute because of some issues. My depression on top on ongoing conflict from our joint counseling session made it impossible. Things seem to be better as they usually do get better but man oh man. I am sad I missed it and very raw.

This week my director is out which is good and bad. Good because i can get my own work done without her constantly needing stuff. Bad because I have no back up.

We have a couple of open houses to go to this week, so I need to get some presents and food together. I hope I can find something easy to take. Have a good day everyone
on 12/5/11 12:19 am
GM Lynn and PA!!

OMG! Where did the weekend go?? I was busy from Friday afternoon until Sunday evening!! Got ALOT done, but man oh man I had no time to just chill!

Today is working both jobs, then home to make dinner and spend time with Dee. I am really worried about her. She is REALLY struggling in school and it is affecting her at home. She doesn't want to sleep in her room, doesn't want to go to school, etc. I just requested for her to be tested for ADD, she has alot of difficulty focusing especially when they are in the bigger classroom. She is in a self contained classroom but they do inclusion for science, social studies and some other things. She is out of the classroom about 50% of the day. I am being proactive with her and have had her tested for just about everything under the sun. I always give her alot of positive reinforcement and lots of attention. I tell her to do her best, but something is preventing her from doing that! I am struggling with how to help her. I have so much hope for her future, but the reality is is that I don't know what that future will hold??

Thanks for letting me vent!
Love to all, Beth">">>

IdaMae D.
on 12/5/11 6:15 am - Philadelphia, PA
Good Evening Lynn;
Glad to see you posting rollcall have missed you!!!!!!!

Today I was late - very tired lately.  I think everything is starting to just come crashing down on me.  I was looking forward to 2 weeks off from school, Dec 12th is my last class in this round.  I checked blackboard today and printed out all the assignments that are due Jan 2nd.  All I can say is those two weeks will be devoted to research and writing, and probably no time to work on the final project.  I really don't know when they think we will have the time to put together these huge projects.  They want like 35 to 40 page papers and in addition appendicies, cover pages, table of contents, attachments, graphs, etc.   In essence this should end up being at least a 100 page project and the accompanying power point presentation which will need to be at least 35 to 40 slides.  It's a 40 min minimun presentation.   AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

Work was crazy busy today.

Tomorrow I'm working from home, have to do some running around for the house so we can keep the progress moving....

Hope you all had a wonderful day....



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